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Radio Buttons


For detailed instructions, view our install section in this documentation. Make sure all of the dependencies and polyfills are loaded to make the component cross-browser compatible.


<script src=""></script>


npm i @pearson-ux/radio --save


<pearson-radio label="Label" groupName="groupOne">  <input name="first option"/>  <input name="second option"/>  <input name="third option"/></pearson-radio>


Follow these steps to successfully build out a radio component. Start by adding a pearson-radio element.


Add a label and groupName attribute.

<pearson-radio label="Label" groupName="groupOne" ></pearson-radio>

Add any number of input elements inside the pearson-radio using the name attribute as the value you want to display for that input.

<pearson-radio label="Label" groupName="groupOne">  <input name="first option"/>  <input name="second option"/>  <input name="third option"/></pearson-radio>



All attributes in this API are required.

groupNameString"groupOne"The name of the radio group.


All attributes in this API are optional.

labelstringunsetThe label you want displayed with radio group.


The pearson-radio component emits one event:

inputWill fire when a radio button in the group is selected.
const radioGroup = document.querySelector('pearson-radio');radioGroup.addEventListener('input', event => {  console.log(radioGroup.value)})

HTML Markup#

Do you prefer to use HTML instead of a web component? No problem, use the markup below along with CSS.

Forms can be tricky, so here is some guidance around how to implement accessibility successfully.
    <div class="gr-form-element">    <fieldset class="gr-fieldset">        <legend class="gr-label">This is a radio group</legend>            <div class="gr-radio">                <input type="radio" name="scotch" id="radioOne"  >                <label for="radioOne">Selection One</label>                <span>                    <svg focusable="false" class="icon-24" aria-hidden="true">                        <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#single-selected-24"></use>                    </svg>                </span>            </div>            <div class="error-state">                <svg focusable="false" class="icon-18" aria-hidden="true">                    <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#warning-18"></use>                </svg>                <span class="gr-meta">Warning Text</span>            </div>            <div class="gr-radio">                <input type="radio" name="scotch" id="radioTwo"  >                <label for="radioTwo">Selection Two</label>                <span>                    <svg focusable="false" class="icon-24" aria-hidden="true">                        <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#single-selected-24"></use>                    </svg>                </span>            </div>            <div class="error-state">                <svg focusable="false" class="icon-18" aria-hidden="true">                    <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#warning-18"></use>                </svg>                <span class="gr-meta">Warning Text</span>            </div>    </fieldset></div>