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Select / Multi Select


For detailed instructions, view our install section in this documentation. Make sure all of the dependencies and polyfills are loaded to make the component cross-browser compatible.

Important Note: This component uses our icon component. Please add this as a dependency.


<script src=""></script><script src=""></script>


npm i @pearson-ux/icon--savenpm i @pearson-ux/select--save


Single Select#

<pearson-select label="This is the label">    <option value="one">Option One</option>    <option value="two">Option Two</option>    <option value="three">Option Three</option>    <option value="four">Option Four</option></pearson-select>

Multi Select#

<pearson-select label="This is the label"  multiple>    // options here</pearson-select>


Follow these steps to successfully build out the select component. Start by adding a <pearson-select> element to your application.

<pearson-select label="enter label"></pearson-select>

Next, you can add options to your select by adding a child element of <option> with an attribute of value and the value being a descriptive string that represents the option.

<pearson-select label="enter label">    <option value="one"></option></pearson-select>



All attributes in this API are required.

labelString"I am a select box"The label you want displayed with input .


All attributes in this API are optional.

multipleboolean'false'Changes the single select dropdown to a multi select combobox.
sizeStringunsetThe number of rows you want the multi select combobox to have
disabledbooleanfalseDetermines whether the input is disabled.
errorstring'error warning'Adds error styling and warning message.


The pearson-input component does not emit any events, however you can still capture native events from the select by tapping into the components shadowroot.

const selectComponent = document.querySelector('pearson-select'),  select = selectComponent.shadowRoot.querySelector('select');
  select.addEventListener('change', event => {    console.log(    })

Additional Attributes#

You can add any native attribute to the select by tapping into the components shadowroot.

const selectComponent = document.querySelector('pearson-select'),  select = selectComponent.shadowRoot.querySelector('select');
  select.setAttribute('autofocus', true)

HTML Markup#

Do you prefer to use HTML instead of a web component? No problem, use the markup below along with CSS.

Forms can be tricky, so here is some guidance around how to implement accessibility successfully.
<div class="gr-form-element">    <label class="gr-label" for="selectOne">I am a select box</label>    <div class="gr-select-container">        <select class="gr-select" id="selectOne">            <option value="one">Option One</option>            <option value="two">Option Two</option>        </select>        <svg focusable="false" class="icon-18" aria-hidden="true">            <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#drop-down-18"></use>        </svg>    </div>    <div class="error-state">        <svg focusable="false" class="icon-18" aria-hidden="true">            <use xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#warning-18"></use>        </svg>        <span class="gr-meta">Warning Text</span>    </div></div>